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Who are we?

A spiritual movement dedicated to personal transformation and world renewal. Founded in India in 1937, The Brahma Kumaris has centers in over 120 countries on all continents and has had an extensive impact on many sectors as an international non-government organization in general consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. This worldwide network of sacred spaces is made available for all people, from every walk of life. There are thousands of centers around the world practicing Raja Yoga.

The Brahma Kumaris Meditation Center provides an oasis of peace to calm the mind and re-energize the spirit, the soul. This unique space connects you to the stillness and silence within, allowing you to go beyond stress and worry. The atmosphere encourages a deep transformation in your mind and heart that increases your capacity to live a peaceful, contented and happy life.

​The Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization recognizes the intrinsic worth of each one of us. It provides opportunities for people from all backgrounds to plant the seed of their own spirituality and learn the skills of meditation and reflection. These skills offer a foundation for spiritual awakening that develops inner calm, clear thinking and personal well-being. This awakening brings deeper exploration of the thought patterns and feelings that underlie human creativity and transformation. These feelings then inspire actions that benefit both the individual and the world. These nurtured seeds lay the foundation for the emergence of a new future of peace and truth.

What We Do...


Meditation is a daily practice that takes us on an inward journey of self-discovery. Time for quiet reflection and silence, away from the hustle and bustle of daily living, enables us to re-center the self. In our complicated modern world, we have lost touch with our true inner peace and power. Raja Yoga helps you slow down and create a simple and happy life through meditation, spiritual study, discussion, and self-reflection. Regular practice nurtures your relationship with yourself and others, deepens your understanding of spiritual concepts, and brings your mind and heart back into balance. A flower grows to full bloom only when the seed that was planted is tended to properly. Make the garden of your life so beautiful through regular meditation with us!​


Raja Yoga Meditation​

​Raja Yoga meditation is a form of meditation that is accessible to people of all backgrounds. It is a meditation without rituals or mantras and can be practiced anywhere at any time.
Raja Yoga meditation is practiced with ‘open eyes', which makes this method of meditation versatile, simple and easy to practice. Meditation is a state of being in that place just beyond every day consciousness, which is where spiritual empowerment begins.

Spiritual awareness gives us the power to choose good
and positive thoughts over those which are negative and wasteful. We start to respond to situations, rather than just reacting to them. We begin to live with harmony, we create better and happier, healthier relationships and change our lives in a most positive way.

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